"We're committed to helping you" Dr. Roc Gantt, OMD
Dr. Roc Gantt ® 5500 Madison Ave. Suite A Sacramento,CA 95628 (916) 349-9223 site map
Sacramento Natural Health Clinic
Weight Loss using Oriental Medicine
Dr. Roc Gantt treats many people with weight issues as part of his practices of Oriental Medicine.
Many patients have come to him over the years with weight issues. Many more that came with other issues have found that under his treatment for those, their weight has returned to a more healthy place.
While eating too much is easy to point to as the source of weight gain, in the real world, there are often other factors that drive or facilitate the weight. When people cannot easily loose the weight through the proper diet and exercise, finding the source cause(s) and addressing them is important.
"My lower and mid back were extremely tense and sore like I had been really bruised. I found it very difficult to move my head to the left and right sides and it was also really hard to bend down and pick things up and I was constantly in pain every day.
(with acupuncture) it was improved. The stiffness has loosened up. I am able to perform my normal daily activities Acupuncture has been a blessing for me and ever since my treatment I have not been suffering from the pain everyday any more! Thank you."
–Stephanie B. 07-13-04
Dr. Gantt's stocks Chinese Herbs
for his Sacramento Practice.
Dr. Gantt has found that allergies are frequently a major contributing factor in stubborn cases of weight gain and retention. Most often food but also environmental allergies, these are often undiscovered. Most new patients have heard of sever food allergies that can be lethal like peanut and shell fish allergies. Several small or low level food allergies can combine together to create a significant impact on your body and performance.
The key here is testing for and reducing/ removing the allergy to the specific foods each person is allergic to. Dr. Gantt practices and has been a teach trainer of the NAET system to test and remove allergies.
Patients come to the Natural Health Clinic with a history of sincere effort yielding very little success in weight loss. Many patients have heard of success with acupuncture and come open to and even looking for this and other as a way to address their weight. Another group of patients have heard of successes using Chinese Herbs for weight loss and come for this.
Dr. Gantt as a Doctor of Oriental medicine incorporates both in his practice. Most importantly, the doctor
Weight Loss using Oriental Medicine and related practices in Sacramento