"We're committed to helping you" Dr. Roc Gantt, OMD
Dr. Roc Gantt ® 5500 Madison Ave. Suite A Sacramento,CA 95628 (916) 349-9223 site map
Sacramento Natural Health Clinic
Hello this is Dr. Roc. Today we are going to talk about chronic Fatigue. Chronic Fatigue is very treatable. Underlying 90% of chronic fatigue is Epstein Barr or mononucleosis. There also may be a common cold that was not treated properly or was treated with too much antibiotic and it went deeper turning into chronic fatigue, a patient with bronchitis or something similar treated with antibiotics and it became chronic fatigue. Or it may be a prior case in school – grade school, high school even college with a case of mononucleosis that did not clear up properly.
The way we treat that is that we use muscle testing to find if there is a mononucleosis underneath this case or a common cold. I have the Epstein Barr and the common colds and flues that we can test to see which we use to treat that. We move from there into the JMT for autoimmune problems with is what chronic fatigue is where the body is challenging itself. No energy, lots of fatigue, the body fighting itself. So what we do is we turn that off. We turn it off by treating these other things – the underlying symptoms and not by turning the whole immune system off. By treating this, the immune system becomes stronger because its energy is not fighting itself any longer. In the future the patient will not have episodes of chronic fatigue from common colds any longer.
"My lower and mid back were extremely tense and sore like I had been really bruised. I found it very difficult to move my head to the left and right sides and it was also really hard to bend down and pick things up and I was constantly in pain every day.
(with acupuncture) it was improved. The stiffness has loosened up. I am able to perform my normal daily activities Acupuncture has been a blessing for me and ever since my treatment I have not been suffering from the pain everyday any more! Thank you."
–Stephanie B. 07-13-04